#375 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 12

Content notes: Mental and emotional manipulation, and physical/psychic destruction.


Brandon O’Brien — @therisingtithes — as The Keeper

Michael R. Underwood — @MikeRUnderwood — as Tempo: The Last

Jeoi Gawain Lin — @thisismyDasein — as Hamaliel: The Summoned

Aubrey Knotts — @MadQueenCosplay — as Ciarra Tân: The Surge

Aaron Hammonds — @aaroninwords — as John/Jane: The Found

Brandon leads an exciting and emotional game of Apocalypse Keys from Evil Hat Productions. In this episode, Ciarra Tân is pushed to an epic confrontation with The Harbinger. 

“Dystopian Guitars B” and “Dystopian Guitar A” by Monument Studios, used with permission.

Subscribers at patreon.com/speculate get early access to Speculate videos, along with other exclusive extras from our series, bonus episodes, access to behind-the-scenes material like GM streams and session zero recordings, and more!

This episode was edited by the amazing Rudy Basso (find him at https://twitter.com/RudyBasso). As always, thanks for listening!


#376 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 13


#374 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 11